Treasurer: Mr. M. Witton, 54 Whitwell Road, Broxtowe, Nottingham NG8
6JT Tel 07775482999 Email
Publicity Officer:
Management Committee
Wales: Ms. C. Joll, 48 Bronwydd Avenue,
Cardiff CF23 5JQ. Tel 02920
486821 07811 806437 Email
West Midlands: Mr. J. Bond, 29 Mead Crescent, Burton on Trent. Staffs. DE15 9SS Tel 07986140447 Email jtfalcons@googlemail.com
East Midlands:
L. Barwick 29 Laurel Crescent, Nuthall Notts. NG16 1EW .
Tel 0115 9383897 Email
North East: Mr. J.
Agar, 8 Newton Street Whitby North Yorks. YO21 1QX. Tel 01947 820600
North West: Mr. G. Mallanaphy, 59 Garden Lane, Fazakerley,Liverpool L9 9EA
Tel 07412820169
Email grahammallanaph@talk.com
East: Vacant
South: Vacant
South West: Vacant
Jersey: Mr J Hathaway, Les Temps Heureux
La Route de Petit Port, St Brelade, Jersey JE3 8HH
Tel 01534 743276 Email
Northern Ireland Miss G. Phillips 175 Hillsborough Old Road, Co Antrim, N. Ireland BT27 5QE Tel 02892 58301 07867 568976 Email grainne phillips woi555@yahoo.co.uk
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